Tag Archives: Affiliate

Posting your links for Facebook. duhn duhn duuuhhnnn.

10 Dec

Oh my, I can’t tell you just how many of my wonderful friends on facebook have not just unfriended me, but completely blocked my rear end for posting my affiliate sites on FB. So frusterating. I mean, you should have seen the complete and utter drama that went down on my page over some silly little link that takes you to a gallery of cute and cool little trinkets that make great christmas gifts. I mean, isn’t it the season of giving, Thought, HEY!, this is just what the people will want!…er…not so much. well, most of them piped up with support and encouragement chasing a “spam” hater away. He even reported me, luckily, no spam, its just a gallery, can’t get in trouble for that little buddy! 🙂

I have pretty much learned a long time ago, not to let it effect my mood, but sometimes I really hate to see some of my friends or family go, cause they want to know “what’s going on in my life” not what cool gadgets are out, or what the latest trends in the celebrity world are. *sigh* what’s wrong with these people? lol.

Do you guys have the same problem as me…or is it just my crazy friends?

Weegy Grasshoppas!

14 Apr

I love Weegy! I still use it nearly everyday. Are you a Weegy expert? Even now while I’m writing this blog I have the expert window open and am earning money. I wanted to reach out and see if any of my bloggets have attempted to be an expert, or just use Weegy to answer questions.

Do you like it?

How do you feel about your earnings?

Have you given up?

Did Weegy not work correctly for you?

Would you like to become an Expert and start earning now?

I hope that you’ll take a moment to answer some of these questions and help me better understand your needs, OR let me know if you plan on giving it a shot- here’s a link to become an Expert : BECOME AN EXPERT ON WEEGYStart Earning NOW! scroll down and click sign-up!

Grilled Cheeses and Affiliate Marketing!

12 Apr

I just got done eating my most amazing grilled cheese ever…lemme know if you want the recipe ( it’s a walk in the park!) Found out it’s National Grilled Cheese Day too, I should earn points for this. Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese…YUM!

Ok, So I’m focusing now, sorry. I should tell you I love food, almost as much as I love working from home and writing. I got a comment earlier about Affiliate marketing,, decided I’d do a quick short blog about about it and see what your opinions were on the subject.

Anyone out there try this before? I am in the process of doing my research and trying it now. However, just like anyone, there’s always someone with more experience than myself. Even Donald Trump still learns new things, I promise you that. I have to remind you that I do all my research strictly from a 100% free stand-point. There are too many single parents, stay at home moms, and college students that just don’t have the financial freedom to invest. If it cost me so much as penny. It’s not free. So, with that said, sometimes my review of products and how well they are able to function without being able to buy programs, software, and coaching takes a little longer to see enough profit to make my cut on the lists. I started doing a kind of Split-test with the Affiliate Marketing through Click Bank, and Through ChaCha Affiliate program ( I like this one the best, it doesn’t require my subscribers to purchase anything for me to get my commissions)

Those are in the works as of now. When I feel it’s worth your time, it makes my cut. I will touch base about it occasionally and keep you guys informed. Having traffic is the most important thing to earning when doing any sort of Internet marketing, and when you don’t pay for a traffic generator, or an advertisement service this can be a slow start. With all good things tho, it takes time. So that’s where we are now with Affiliate Marketing! My shout out to Vilipend for bringing that up. Thank you! I’m sure you are helping answer a lot of peoples questions. Like I said, if anyone has any input on the matter please, feel free to comment, or email me! So, now onto tonight’s post about my next SITE! See you soon Ladies and Gents! 🙂